
Importers define import specific settings. They define which Eloquent model to use for example.


The following methods are required by an importer. Custom importers should implement Luna\Importer\Contracts\Importer.

 * Parse a csv line to an importable array for the model
 * @param  array  $data
 * @return array
public function parseLine(array $data): array;
 * Validate the raw line data
 * @param  array  $data
 * @return bool
public function validateLine(array $data): bool;
 * Get the model class path for the import
 * @return string
public function getModel(): string;
 * Get the file to import
 * @return string
public function getFilePath(): string;
 * Get the unique column key
 * This should match a unique column in the table as
 * this is used to determine if a row needs to be updated
 * or inserted
 * @return string
public function getUniqueKey(): string;
 * Determine if the source file should be removed
 * @return bool
public function shouldCleanup(): bool;


namespace App\Importers;

use App\Product;
use Luna\Importer\Contracts\Importer;
use Luna\Importer\Importers\BaseImporter;

class ProductImporter extends BaseImporter implements Importer
    public function parseLine(array $data): array
        return [
            'sku' => $data[0],
            'name' => $data[2]

    public function getFilePath(): string
        return storage_path('import/products.csv');

    public function getModel(): string
        return Product::class;

    public function getUniqueKey(): string
        return 'sku';

    public function validateLine(array $data): bool
        return count($data) === 3;

    public function shouldCleanup(): bool
        return true;