
Runners are used for looping through files. They do not know anything about what they are importing, that info is fetched from the Importer.


These are the methods a runner should have, custom runners should implement the interface: Luna\Importer\Contracts\Runner.

 * Things to do before the import
 * @return void
public function beforeImport();
 * The import runner
 * @return void
public function import();
 * Things to do after the import
 * @return void
public function afterImport();
 * Start the import
 * @param  Importer  $importer
 * @return void
public function handle(Importer $importer);
 * Check if the file is valid for importing
 * @return bool
public function validateFile(): bool;
 * What to do when removing the file
 * @return void
public function removeFile();
 * Determine which lines need to be removed by the importer.
 * By default, the lines that were not present in the import file are
 * removed after the other lines are updated, added or remained unchanged
 * @return void
public function removeStale();